click and collect tips for POS systems

Click-and-Collect Tips For POS Systems That Businesses Can Make Use Of

While many consumers make online purchases, others still crave the in-store experience. In e-commerce, omnichannel retailers are meeting this demand by offering Click-and-Collect, a service that combines the convenience of online shopping with the experience of retrieving goods from a physical location. To reduce risks during this chaotic COVID-19 pandemic, it is highly recommended for businesses to set up a Click and Collect model.

In this article, we will explore how this strategy can benefit your business and Click and Collect tips to improve your POS systems for better customer experiences.

Benefits of Click and Collect for businesses

Boost in upsell and cross-sell opportunities

Click and Collect isn’t about convenience only, it also drives footfalls and sales. Unlike businesses that sell exclusively online, having a physical store means you can add more value to your sales based on personal interactions with customers. 

Boost in upsell and cross-sell opportunities

Cost efficiency

Merchants can save a lot on Click and Collect. Although you will have to pay a cost when setting up the Click and Collect system, expenses for delivery, returns, and distribution will be reduced as buyers will come to your place for items retrieving. The in-store collection also provides retailers with additional opportunities to connect with customers and enhance the customer experience.

cost efficiency

Increase online sales

Recently, consumers prefer to order via Click and Collect as they can get their purchases quicker and at a time that suits them the most. Often, being able to select this method will determine whether shoppers would make a purchase with you or not. If you don’t offer Click and Collect, you are basically losing sales to competitors and not maximizing your own.

online sales

POS system features needed to set up Click and Collect orders

A successful Click and Collect service looks different for retailers and restaurant owners, but certain elements are still the same. To create a perfect Click and Collect experience for customers, a cloud-based POS system that integrates with Click and Collect features is a must-have. Such a POS system should provide certain functions as below:

  • A detailed and well-managed system of Click and Collect orders to keep track of
  • A variety of integrated payment methods and gateways for customers to choose from
  • Online account registration to secure customers’ information in the system

4 Click and Collect tips to improve your POS systems

Offer free Click and Collect option

Click and Collect can be a great alternative to other delivery methods. There are many retailers out there still charging buyers for collecting items from physical stores. Having this free option integrated into your POS system can become one of your unique selling points when compared to other brands.

Communications between staff and shoppers

Communication is the key to every good relationship. Real-time notifications from the POS system via mobile messages, emails, or push notifications are something that shoppers want from merchants offering Click and Collect. They need to know whether their order has been processed and that their goods are ready for collection. Sellers, therefore, need to communicate all this information quickly and keep customers satisfied at every stage of the order process.

Communications between staff and shoppers

Mobile checkout

More people are using mobile devices as part of their customer journey, which means providing them with the Click and Collect option via smartphones is crucial. Since POS is compatible with many devices, customers can complete checkout through mobile phones right away without having to wait in long lines.

self checkout

Real-time inventory

Effective inventory management is essential to Click and Collect. Nothing frustrates shoppers more than ordering a product online only to find out it is not available in the store they planned to pick it up. To avoid this, merchants need a reliable POS system with inventory management integration and a wide range of in-store products. If a product runs of stock, sellers can implement the system to ship it from nearby shops or warehouses.

In brief

Above are some Click and Collect tips for POS systems so that your business can stay up-to-date with changes in e-commerce and technological innovations. No matter what the future holds, Click and Collect is here to stay.  For that reason, why don’t you implement it into your POS system right now?

MUST READ:   How POS Systems Transform Physical Store Workflow?

At ConnectPOS, we can assist you with the best Click and Collect tips through our leading cloud-based POS system. Book a 14-day free trial now to experience this amazing feature!

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