Van Nguyen

just-in-time inventory

All You Need To Know About Just In Time Inventory

With a steady supply of products and effective inventory management, every company can look towards good revenue. Just-In-Time Inventory helps retailers and manufacturers to lower their storage cost and keep their stock fresh, from that achieving the success vision.  What Is Just-In-Time Inventory Just-in-time inventory (JIT) is an inventory management method where goods are received …

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food inventory

7 Tips To Effectively Manage Food Inventory

One of the most constantly evolving industries is the food and beverage industry. Based on consumer trends, seasonal demands, tough competition and constant innovation, it has become very challenging to manage food inventory and its resource planning. What Is Food Inventory Management? Food inventory management is a system of tracking: What inventory comes into your …

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pci compliance

What You Need To Know About PCI Compliance

When you own a business, your top priority is to please your customers and make sales. With evolving technology and digital payments, most things have become cashless and contactless. Online payment security plays a major role in running a business successfully. That’s why PCI compliance is used to ensure the safety of online payment methods. …

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retail automation

Retail Automation Is The Future Of The Business

To operate a successful retail business in an expansive and competitive industry, business owners need incredible management and organization with the help of intuitive technology. To compete in this fast-changing and high demand market, retailers are turning to automation to support and increase their profits. What Is Retail Automation? Retail automation can be a number …

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experiential retail

What You Need To Know About Experiential Retail

As the world is spinning so fast with technology and advancements, people are accustomed invariably. With the lightning speed of the Internet, marketing has changed unconditionally, which is more inclined towards Experiential Retail. It’s more like a qualitative world where experience matters the most.  What Is Experiential Retail? Experiential retail is a type of retail …

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Shopify vs Shopify plus

Shopify Vs Shopify Plus: The Platform Comparison

Shopify is one of the leading eCommerce platforms that empower retailers to set up online stores and launch their businesses. This powerful subscription cloud-based eCommerce platform offers users a set of business tools and also allows them to integrate any other necessary tools. In 2014, the new version – Shopify Plus was launched which is …

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e-commerce enterprise

Find Out Which E-commerce Enterprise Version Is For You

If you are looking for an e-commerce platform for your enterprise, you must have heard about Magento Commerce, Shopify Plus, and BigCommerce enterprise. These are 3 leading e-commerce platforms in the digital market that provide valuable support for e-commerce businesses. All of them provide more than two application versions in order to fit in with …

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bluetooth technology

How Bluetooth Technology Supports Retail Business

Speed, agility and efficiency are what retailers looking for. Thanks to Bluetooth technology, advanced tools are evolving day by day to support retail businesses. Bluetooth doesn’t simply reduce your expenses and improve your planning, more than that, they provide you with a competitive edge to thrive and grow in the market. What is Bluetooth Technology? …

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