pos system

POS System For Supplements & Nutrition: Top 5 Picks For 2021

POS System For Supplements & Nutrition: Top 5 Picks For 2021

As we’re reaching the end of 2020 and 2021 is already around the corner, it’s high time everyone started to plan for a more fruitful year. Besides, the COVID-19 pandemic has changed people’s buying behavior. Customers now tend to care about healthcare products more, resulting in a rapid increase in the demand for supplements & …

POS System For Supplements & Nutrition: Top 5 Picks For 2021 Read More »

cloud-based pos

Cloud-Based POS or On-Premise POS: Which is better?

Before retailers acquire a POS system, you should already have the answer on whether on-premise or cloud-based POS is suitable. In fact, on-premise POS ruled the roost until recently, the web-based has become a “king” thanks to its versatility and convenience. However, that does not mean legacy POS systems are dead. Many POS vendors still …

Cloud-Based POS or On-Premise POS: Which is better? Read More »

5 Tips For A Transparent Return and Exchange Policy

According to Statista, return deliveries are expected to cost 550 million US dollars by 2020 (correspondingly an increase of 75.2% from four years earlier). Various reasons can be listed out to explain why customers are not satisfied then end up giving items back. Despite this fact, businesses can take advantage of opportunities to increase customer …

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Android mobile POS system: Why Do POS Providers Rarely Develop?

According to Finances Online, the total mobile POS transaction value was over a million in 2020. It shows the fact that more retailers opt for using mobile devices instead of a giant POS hardware to process the transactions. However, the majority of mobile POS apps (mPOS) are compatible with the iOS operating system, instead of …

Android mobile POS system: Why Do POS Providers Rarely Develop? Read More »

How to Choose Between Periodic and Perpetual Inventory Method?

Retailers might have heard about the periodic and perpetual method in the process of tracking inventory. Choosing one system seems like an inconsequential decision but it can have a significant impact. Which is how easy and accurate the inventory management is.  If a retail business can not keep an eye on the number of available …

How to Choose Between Periodic and Perpetual Inventory Method? Read More »

Tips to Choose The Best Shipping Provider For Retailers

According to Shopify research, nearly 44% of shopping cart abandonment is caused by the expensive cost of shipment. Besides, shipping is also the first indicator of customer satisfaction. That’s because no matter how excellent your products are or how low-priced it is, customers still think you deliver a poor service if they do not get …

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Why should retailers embrace a PWA app instantly?

According to Emarketer, more than one-third of the e-commerce sales in the US in 2019 was made through smartphones. Besides, mCommerce is expected to rise to 72.9% in 2021. With that in mind, retailers should improve customer experience on their mobile. You might come up with the idea of developing a mobile application, however, it …

Why should retailers embrace a PWA app instantly? Read More »