Christmas retail

Top 10 Tips For Merchants To Win 2021 Christmas Retail

Between November and January every year, merchants always hope for an impressive Christmas retail boost to get the best total retail revenues. So take a look at our top 10 tips to win Christmas sales 2021. 

Apply Outstanding Holiday Decors

Going with the typical green and red color for a Christmas vibe might not be the best option since it is too classic. Why not try something new if everyone else is doing it?

If your store or company already has a distinct color scheme, adhere to it and emphasize it. Increase the amount of lighting in and around your store to make it more visible at all times. Put up some stands outside, advertise some of your most popular products, go crazy with your window display – do whatever you can to make your store more visually appealing and engaging. Don’t be afraid to let your imagination go wild.

Consider Offering Better Delivery Services

Due to the ongoing COVID-19 situation and increased demand from holiday shopping, transportation and delivery systems are overburdened. Since the pandemic limits were introduced early in the year, shipping businesses and package services have been working at the high level generally expected during Christmas.

To avoid the unprecedented demand of shipping for Christmas retail, it is better if your store has a flexible delivery service. 

Take Advantage of Social Media

To establish strong customer relationships, brand awareness, and brand loyalty, social media is one key feature. It is also an excellent platform for connecting and interacting with your customers. It’s easier and less expensive than ever to create video content, freebies, contests, and other promotional activities on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. 

The image above is from a Harrods Instagram post in 2020. It is one of the many videos designed to highlight brands available in their Christmas retail. The possibilities are truly unlimited as long as you’re inventive.

Manage Your Retail Sales Inventory

Nothing is more frustrating than running out of stock during the busy Christmas season. The toughest part is not being able to close the deal. Second, if you advertise something that you don’t have in stock, you’re jeopardizing your company’s credibility. Overall, limited product quantity on display can have negative effects on consumer purchases.

Therefore, retailers will need a point of sale with effective inventory management features like ConnectPOS. Users will get fully satisfied as orders controlling, stocktaking, and warehouse organization are all automatically generated and updated.

Focus on Customer Service

Things can grow unpleasant for both the business and the buyer during the hectic Christmas season. That is why you must ensure that you and your employees are prepared to give the finest possible customer service during the Christmas shopping season.

A survey from FreshDesk showed that 47% of customers want fast replies to their questions especially during holiday time; so, whether in-store, online, or over the phone, make sure your employees are friendly, competent, and courteous. Putting in the additional effort to provide excellent customer service throughout the holidays will undoubtedly pay off in the new year and beyond.

Offer Free Gift Packing For Christmas Retail

If you have enough individuals to make it a reality, this is another fantastic advantage you can provide. During the holiday season, convenience is a significant selling feature, and clients usually appreciate it when you are prepared to handle part of the work for them.

Pre-wrapping some of your most popular items is also a good idea. Wrapped gifts are not only a terrific way to make your store look more festive, but also persuade clients to buy those products. Simply because they won’t have to wrap them themselves when they get home.

Show The Most Popular Items

If you know your business and your consumers, you’ve probably already figured out which things will be the most popular around the holidays. Therefore, make certain that those things are easily accessible: place them near your store’s door, put up signs, and make them tough to overlook.

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Another smart suggestion is to keep some popular and inexpensive things near the entryway. According to consumer psychology, once individuals commit to purchasing one thing from your store, they are more likely to purchase more items. Customers tend to take the plunge and put something in their shopping bags right away if you show them your inexpensive things initially.

Appeal to Emotions

Holidays are the time for people to reflect on their lives and think about their loved ones. As a result, nostalgia is one of the best emotions to appeal to throughout this season. People who are nostalgic are less concerned about budget and are likely to spend more on Christmas retail items, according to research.

So to reach the customer’s feelings, retailers might need to think about some tips. Playing older music or making pop culture references can be effective. It can remind them of “the good ol’ days of youth” to appeal to their emotions and invoke childhood memories.

Enhance a Strong Loyalty Program

Customer loyalty programs may help retailers make more money and develop long-lasting relationships with your customers.

According to a 2017 poll, more than 80% of customers buy more products from firms that provide a loyalty program to which they are a member. Customers will feel welcomed, special, and more likely to shop at your store if you have a loyalty program in place.

There are many amazing things you can do when creating a loyalty program. But one crucial rule to remember is to make sure that the loyalty program incentives are simple to receive! The easier it is to join your loyalty programs, the more people will join and the happier your greatest customers will be.

Educate Your Staff About Christmas Retail

One of your top objectives as a manager is to ensure that all your salespeople are well-versed in your products. Make sure you have some sort of employee training structure in place to help you educate your employees about what you’re selling and why customers should buy it.

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You will most likely hire seasonal employees that need to be educated fast and efficiently. So, having a system that will assist you in making the training process easier is critical. Not only should your employees know what they’re selling, but they should also comprehend why someone would want to buy these items. Demonstrate the characteristics and advantages of your product.

In a nutshell

After getting through 10 tips to improve Christmas retail, every retailer can perfectly apply them to their store immediately. However, if you still have some troubles, call us to find out the best solutions for your own business.

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