Top 4 BigCommerce Quotation Apps Every Business Should Know

Quote management is one of the most wanted features for businesses nowadays when looking for a retail system. It helps businesses transform a request into a real transaction. Therefore, quotation management plays the determining role in gaining new customers. In this article, we will go through the top 4 BigCommerce quotation apps for businesses of all sizes.



ConnectPOS is the first system on our list of the top BigCommerce quotation apps. It is a point of sale (POS) provider that offers an all-in-one solution for transaction activities. One of its excellent features is quote management. The software is recommended for businesses looking for an omnichannel shopping experience and an integrated quotation service. By simple steps such as creating, editing, and finalizing quotes, ConnectPOS can help store owners and staff members acquire potential customers. 

Other than quote management, ConnectPOS is also popular for its click-and-collect features. real-time synchronization, PWA Consumer App, and 24/7 free support. Starting from $39/device/month, ConnectPOS is more affordable than its competitors on BigCommerce, although it can be equally powerful.

Quotes by Freshclick

freshclick - bigcommerce quotation apps

With Freshclick, one of the top BigCommerce quotation apps, customers on your BigCommerce store can send single or multi-product quote requests directly from a product page, or you can generate a new quote from your Quote Manager using the FreshClick Quote creator. Your sales reps will then log in to the system and develop a customized/discounted quote for the customer. The customer will then be emailed with the quote along with a checkout connection, allowing them to load it and complete the transaction.

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With a single click, Freshclick can be added to your BigCommerce shop. The system also includes easy-to-follow installation instructions. If you ever need help, they also have a fantastic online support service with dedicated staff for this app.

B2B Ninja Quotes

b2b ninja

B2B Ninja (formerly Quote Ninja) is one of the leading BigCommerce quotation apps that creates professional quotes in just a few clicks. Customers can conveniently make their quotes from your storefront thanks to B2B Ninja’s integration with BigCommerce. A centralized dashboard allows sales reps to display, manage, and generate quotations. Furthermore, customers may request quotes for single or multiple products directly from your product or cart page. It’s the B2B tool you need to increase sales while saving time. 


quotilio - bigcommerce quotation apps

Quotilio is the last item on our list of the top BigCommerce quotation apps. You can generate a new quote from the app dashboard and send the invoice email to your customer for checkout with Quotilio. You may also add the Request Quote Button to your storefront’s cart tab. This will enable your customer to request a quote directly from your storefront. 

When customers submit a quote, the app generates a quote which will be immediately visible on the dashboard. Your sales representative will make changes to the requested section and give your customer the final checkout connection. You can also use the Request Quote Button to boost your B2B sales.

With a single click, you can add a Request Quote Button to your store. The quote button can be added to all items, individual products, or a specific category.

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Other outstanding features

  • Send as many quotes as you like
  • Incorporate a one-click quote request button into your shop
  • Create a quote for a current or potential customer
  • Hide the settings for the buy now and checkout buttons
  • Customize the quote email template 
  • Instantly update the status of your quote mail

Wrapping up

The list above is our recommendations for the best BigCommerce quotation apps. Our last tip is to start a free trial of the quotation app that you are interested in to a more realistic view of the app. 

Try out ConnectPOS – a leading POS system with excellent quotation features now by starting a free trial, or contact us for more information!

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