top free magento extensions for users

Top Free Magento Extensions For Users

Magento is among the world’s leading eCommerce platforms today which powers more than 250,000 stores worldwide. The platform offers around 5000 extensions with great features that store owners should utilize to ensure customers have quick and convenient online shopping experiences. In this article today, we have made a list of the top free Magento extensions for users to download and install to further extend the functionality of their stores

Google Maps – Store Locator

Get your store listed by Google Maps – Store Locator, the top free Magento extensions, and show your customers where your brick and mortar stores are located. This Google Map extension on Magento enables you to be shown on the map along with a short description, contact information, and link to your website on an elegantly designed drop-down menu. Google Maps can also tell customers how far they are from their current location and show direction to your store. 

google map magento extension

To set up Google Maps – Store Locator requires coding experience. At the very least, users need to know JavaScript, App Engine, and CloudSQL. The codelab will walk you through a front end implementation of a store locator for a fictitious business and teaches you how to pull information from the server to determine the closest location from a large database. 

Once being listed on Google Map, it significantly increases your online presence as customers can find your store easily. This helps your business both online and physical stores raise revenues and get maximum exposure. You can edit contact information and your company address from the back end easily, as well as adding multiple stores. 

Store Manager Bridge Connector

Among the top free Magento integrations, we cannot miss the Store Manager Bridge Connector extension. It is the best solution for centralizing eCommerce operations into one user savvy platform. This free Magento plugin helps multi retailers to expand and grow their business by providing means to efficiently manage many perspectives of your store through one channel. 

store manager connector a magento extension

The tool even allows you to work offline with your catalog, categories, attributes, and sync changes with your store when you are back online. Users can make bulk changes via Multi Editors or with the help of Export/Import Wizards that saves tons of time. 

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Additionally, the module allows users to enhance their visibility, introduce efficiency, and get insight into their business operations. Retailers can now devise comprehensive eCommerce strategies by intelligently reducing costs, maximizing profitability, and tailoring their omnichannel according to the needs and preferences of the customers. 


It is highly recommended for business owners to pay close attention to the following free Magento extensions offered by Wyomind. The first one improves backend safety while the second one is designed to increase backend productivity. 

Wyomind Watchlog

This solution will prevent your eCommerce website from brute force attacks for free. It will detect if someone or a robot is trying to access your Magento back office and keep you updated. Wyomind Watchlog doesn’t require coding knowledge to set up. All you need to do is download and install the module with pointers and guidelines along the way.

In case you want to install it, you should modify the backend name, activate captcha, and restrict access by IP. Wyomind Watchlog also has a Pro version for a fee where more advanced features are included.

Wyomind watchlog a Magento extension

Below are several key features offered in Wyomind Watchlog:

  • Check the daily and monthly login attempts in graphs
  • Get a detailed and summarized table of the login attempts
  • Schedule a periodic report on the statistics by email
  • Define a history lifetime in days

Wyomind Order Eraser

The platform is designed to help you keep your sales database clean and clear. Wyomind Order Eraser enables you to delete useless orders from the grid easily. It can be tested, canceled, or pending orders. You can remove them one by one, or massively via the mass actions dropdown For instance, you can simultaneously get rid of corresponding invoices. 

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This extension is a great feature to add to your Magento store as Magento itself doesn’t allow the removal of massive orders by default. With this platform, you can keep your dashboard clean by eliminating all the completed or unnecessary orders. There will be a notification displayed at the top of your admin page saying that your orders have been deleted. 

Wyomind Order Eraser - free Magento extension

Below are several key features offered by Wyomind Order Eraser: 

  • Easy to install and easy to use
  • Delete orders massively
  • Automatically remove other data linked to the orders: the invoices, credit memos,…
  • Confirmation message after order removals

Algolia Instant Search

It would be a big mistake if Algolia Instant Search is not on the list of top free Magento integrations. It is a highly responsive extension that allows your customers to enter their searches and acquire results in real-time. This solution is a fast and user-savvy tool to expose your products and lead them to your product pages. 

Algolia Instant Search entitles you to prioritize results according to their ratings, popularity, and best-selling features with advanced typo tolerance so your customers can get precisely what they are looking for. The search engine allows you to have an autocomplete function and update your search results page, pagination, and navigation with each keystroke in real-time. 

algolia - free Magento exxtension

Below are several key features offered by Algolia Instant Search: 

  • Unprecedented Search Speed – results show up immediately as users type and an instant search results page updates with products and categories in real-time
  • Relevance and Synonyms – you can prioritize your result using the ranking option to send customers your best selling and most popular products
  • Filters and Facets – customized filters and facets update as users search, turning your search bar into a powerful find as you type browsing tool

Wrapping up

After this article, we hope to suggest some wonderful integrations for your online store. Let us know if you link these free Magento extensions or not by commenting below. Please feel free to contact us if you have any further questions!

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