What Retailers Have To Do To Sell Bulk Orders Festive Season?

The holidays are upon us once again, meaning that it’s time for consumers to start thinking about shopping. And no one understands the need for speed like retailers, which is why they’ve done so much to stay ahead of the game this year. But with the hustle and bustle comes overload work – how can small businesses keep up with all their daily activities? A few practical ways will help your local retailers sell bulk orders, stay ahead of the curve, and help maintain quality customer service.

Offer Discounts

Offer Discounts - selling bulk orders

Now more than ever, consumers are encouraged to buy in bulk, and retailers have a massive opportunity to increase the sales of their products by offering discounts. Offering discounts on more items not only entices consumers but can also help retailers reduce stock levels throughout the whole year.

You’ll have no trouble selling those items as your promotion will be very appealing to consumers who need holiday presents for family members or friends. For example, you can offer a straight 15% off for every order of 5 or more products. This would be a great way to drive sales and increase revenue.

Offer More Basket Sizes

Offer More Basket Sizes - selling bulk orders

In recent years, more people have been buying from retailers online. To attract customers’ attention, selling bulk orders for retailers have experimented with many basket sizes to accommodate bulk orders.

If there are more basket sizes on offer, it will be straightforward for the customers to buy more than one item or just one product each. More basket sizes on request also help customers to buy on the spot.

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Let’s suppose a retailer is selling a candy basket with 100 pieces. In that case, retailers should offer more basket sizes such as 200 units, 400 units, and even 800 units to encourage customers to buy bulk orders.

Engage In A Lot Of Marketing Campaigns

Engage In A Lot Of Marketing Campaigns

There are lots of ways retailers can reach the customer base. Marketing is one of those ways, and retailers should engage in a marketing campaign as possible.

In this way, retailers selling bulk orders will be more accessible for customers, and buyers will know about those bulk orders. As a result, buyers will likely buy them instead of other offers from competing retailers or omnichannel stores.

For instance, if a retailer sells 1000 smartphones, he should also engage in several social media campaigns to let the whole world know about the product and give more special offers to attract customers. The more people are aware of those products, the more likely they can buy in bulk.

With ConnectPOS, eCommerce and brick-and-mortar stores can be integrated to make your marketing campaign more efficient.


Have Better Packaging Of Products

Have Better Packaging Of Products

Packaging is vital in many industries. From the way a product is packaged to what’s on the package itself, it can be seen as a necessity to make consumers aware of a product and stimulate their excitement and curiosity.

While most companies insert a thin plastic or paper wrapper around their item, some companies will include a nifty bag or case with a customer’s purchase. This is guaranteed to give customers a more leisurely time carrying the product around.

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When customers carry bulk orders, their arms get tired quickly. It can also be challenging if shoppers try to juggle other bags while taking these packages around too. To avoid this problem altogether, retailers can design boxes to be durable enough not to break when carried by one person.

Keep Online Presence

Keep Online Presence - selling bulk orders

Customers sometimes have difficulty purchasing during the busy festive season and need help; this is why these retailers selling bulk orders now maintain an online presence everywhere their customers might be looking.

You should offer helpful information about product specifications and similar items so that buyers can confidently purchase from them again immediately after making an order. Additionally, shoppers can contact the store through various channels to get help right away if necessary.


Regardless of which ideas you’re using, remember that planning starts way before the festive season officially kicks off. Aim to have your holiday marketing campaigns prepared and ready. That way, you don’t risk losing out on eager customers to start on the festive season when selling bulk orders. If you are interested in learning more about how ConnectPOS can help your business grow, try a free trial today!

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