Reducing queue in-store equals reducing customer dissatisfaction

Unsurprisingly, shoppers are not fond of standing in a queue in the shop. According to a study by Intel and Box Technologies, more than 85% of consumers stay away from shops whose lines are long. Since the worldwide coronavirus pandemic, long queues have turned from being a time waste and mere nuisance to a likely risk. As a business owner, how to reduce queue in-store? Below are the best suggestions.

Try out virtual queues 

Instead of standing in line, near one another, the virtual queue device allows shoppers to receive a number and get a place in a line queue. Another plus point of this approach is it provides your customers with the time to go around your shop in the waiting time. This is a fantastic chance for them to discover more products they likely wish to buy.

Try out virtual queues

Arrange one-to-one appointments to reduce queue in-store effectively

Should there need particular attention or consultation, stores tend to recommend customers book a time in advance. This way, you will be able to receive the consultation and time they desire. Once Mappin and Webb and some other shops opened again their stores following the Covid-19 closures, they began these appointments with their shoppers. On the one hand, this way is not likely to suit retail stores in every sector. But on the other hand, thanks to reservations, the flow of shoppers coming in will get organized and you can give the necessary time and attention to customers.

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Use mobile POS

These days, some of the most cutting-edge POS system, for example, ConnectPOS, allow you to have the POS operated on smartphones and other mobile gadgets. Your employees can search for info, scan goods, wrap up transactions, receive payments, as well as print receipts no matter where your shoppers are. This helps reduce queue in-store. For another perk of mobile point of sale, you will add more devices if necessary in a breeze and simultaneously, no need to dedicate space to additional registers. 

Use scan and go technology to reduce queue in-store

Thanks to scanning and go applications, your shoppers can serve themselves at the store. How can they do that? Just scan and pay using a handset given or use their own mobile devices. As you know, grocery stores see the prevalent use of this mobile technology. With that being said, there are no justifications why businesses in other industries should not make the best out of it. Let’s take electronics, healthcare, and fashion shops as an example. Their customers will be happy that they can add products to the carts easily and conveniently. At the same time, they can stay away from physical contact, which is beneficial during the coronavirus condition. 

All in all

It is crucial to reduce queue in-store or even get rid of the wait time to make your shoppers happy. If you provide them with an increasingly improved service experience, they will become more and more loyal to your brand. We recommend you refer to the approaches mentioned above and contact us for the best solutions to optimize your stores.

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