It’s a well-known fact that repeat customers are the key to any profitable businesses, accounting for 25% – 40% of the revenue. E-commerce and retailing are no exception. That’s why retailers put much effort in building a loyalty program to keep customers coming back.
With the movement of retail towards omnichannel model, it’s inevitable that customers now expect to be rewarded for their purchases and their loyalty anywhere they go, web store or physical stores. An omnichannel loyalty program that enables your customers to earn and spend reward points how, where and when they wish will definitely make them fall head over heels in love with you.
In order to realize this, we have worked closely with Aheadworks in the. integration of ConnectPOS and Reward Points for Magento 2.
Integration Benefits
From customers’ points of view, with Reward Points integrated into ConnectPOS, the online customers now can opt for their online points to pay for in-store orders. At the same time, when they place orders in store, they will be rewarded with points for those orders, too. The lifetime sales and reward points are synchronized fully and in real time among sales channels, so they can easily manage their account balance and use their points freely and conveniently.

For customers who make their first purchases at stores, they can enjoy the same benefits. As they go to your web store and make purchases there, their loyalty reward points and lifetime sales won’t get lost.
In addition, customers will always have the right information on their lifetime sales and reward point balance anytime, anywhere. They can enjoy the great loyalty program on all the sales channels and feel more connected to the brands.
Now, from your point of view as the shop owner, the integration will help complete your omnichannel system and increase sales thanks to repeat customers. Moreover, you can manage the lifetime sales and reward point balance of the customers more efficiently.
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And yes, you can wave goodbye to the setup complication. After installing both ConnectPOS and Reward Points, you can configure reward point logics and settings in your Magento backend. Then, in POS, you only need to enable the integration option in POS Settings > Integrations. In a blink, the logics and settings of reward points will be applied consistently throughout all the sales channels – no customization required.
Highlight Features
1. Manage lifetime sales and reward point balance
2. Make a deposit or pay using reward points
3. Earn reward points for placing an order in-store

You can get to know the benefits of. Cloud POS – ConnectPOS and Reward Points together using our demo account:
Username/ Password: cashier/ cashier123
Corresponding Magento back-end:
Username/ Password: connectpos/ retail123
Start growing your repeat customer base today!
To celebrate our official partnership with Aheadworks, we’re offering special combo: when you buy Reward Points extension for Magento in Aheadworks’ store, you can choose to include ConnectPOS in your purchase as well. With the combo, you can benefit from the both solutions and save up, so don’t forget to check them out on the Reward Points extension page.
And the party is not over yet – it’s just the start. We will continue working closely with Aheadworks on integrating Gift Cards and other extensions for Magento to help you unleash the full potential of your business, so stay tuned for more great news to come!