Is it worth investing a Point of Sale for your university?

Why do you need a Point of Sale for schools/universities? How a POS system can support your institution? A lot of school administrators have raised these questions nowadays when considering investing in proper technology. The answer to them is a suitable university POS solution delivers a wide range of perks impossible to get afforded by conventional cash registers and stuff. Check below for its main advantages.

Automating tasks and reducing human errors

A trusted POS software helps increase transaction speed and decrease the waiting time of your student. The intuitive sales procedure is simple for your staff to pick up and remove the possibility of errors. There tend to be a few easy steps, such as choosing the item on the screen, hitting a button to finish the sale, and getting the money. Above all, the POS enables the automatic generation of various reports to evaluate different things like the stock status and your school’s profitability and see the room for improvements.

Automating process (self-checkout)

Automating process (self-checkout)

Self-checkout has to do with paying for stuff leveraging the self-service methodology. Preoccupied moms can fail to remember to give lunch money to their kids. They may even be in a situation where they send their kids to school and find out they bring no cash for meals. The good news is with the POS software, moms have cashless payments options done at the self-checkout. Better yet, it minimizes touch with staff considering social distancing guidelines in case of pandemic and reduces time spent in line.

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Inventory management 

Some university POS solutions, including ConnectPOS, feature an excellent integrated inventory system. It informs you about what is in stock, what is running low, and so on.

Inventory management

What is more? ConnectPOS makes it simple to categorize items for which they are most suitable. For example, you can use the system to categorize things by departments such as audiovisual tools and equipment. It is easy to monitor and manage the tools lent to students with the POS software’s inventory tracking feature. Your students check out the tools and as they have wrapped up their project, they check it back with ease. 

Dealing with HR demands

As mentioned above, automation helps out a lot, and it assists with staff demands as well. For instance, it is a challenging work for the HR team to handle staff shifts, their daily attendance, bonus, payroll, etc. Dealing with all these tasks wastes plenty of employees and time. Fortunately, POS software comes in to help take care of them in a breeze and quickly. It comes with some features to keep track of your staff and even more attributes you can use to customize according to your needs and preferences.


Significantly, educational institutions should manage to select a university POS solution that is suitable and helps handle their operational concerns. 

ConnectPOS is a reliable POS system that has assisted different global schools and universities with its prominent features and fantastic customer services. Even more, we provide a 14-day free trial for any schools thinking about depending on an outstanding solution. Contact us today for further info!

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