Magento loyalty program

How Magento Loyalty Program Support Businesses?

Are you looking for an eCommerce retailer that supports loyalty programs? Magento eCommerce platform offers you Magento loyalty program extension 1&2 that allows you to build a flexible reward scheme to provide your customers numerous deals and targeted discounts. Here are the ways how Magento extension loyalty programs reward.

The idea of loyalty programs

In today’s economy, shoppers are looking to shopping platforms where they can save as much as possible. With just a click customers can do comparisons and find out where they can get the best deal. Therefore, customer loyalty programs or reward programs are required to retain existing customers and attract new ones.

Magento Loyalty Program Extension
Magento Loyalty Program Extension

Effective earning actions 

Magento loyalty programs make significant efforts to produce mutual value. With Magento, customers receive awards from every action they take. For example, customers will be rewarded by points on product purchase, cart quantity, registration , a review submission, birthday and newsletter subscription and so on. Besides, Magento programs allow customers to redeem the points for any future purchases. 

Easily customizable 

There are a lot of actions for a customer to get points from. The number of rewarding actions or programs can be customized easily by shop owners. Points earned on any action based on the conversation rate retailers have set.

Shop owners can view all points of transactions on Magento administrative interface, and manage reward points in the backend.

With Magento retailers are able to build their  own Magento customer rewards. You can easily award points to customers based on their purchases (product wise, category, amount wise) or activities they perform on the website; product reviews, referrals or registration. 

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The available points and their monetary exchange value is included. In the payment section shoppers can use “My reward points” as a payment method.

Email notifications

Retailers are empowered to get customers’ engagement. Magento reward extension allows you to send your customers email notifications.    

With Magento, customers are always notified via timely emails about any updates or balances on their points. 

In case their points are about to expire, there is an email notification about the remaining points as well as expiry date so that you customers can timely spend them.

Easy tracking of transaction process and sales data 

Magento has an inbuilt point of sale (POS) that synchronizes data in real time allowing your customers to have an omnichannel experience.

Magento POS will give you a mid-day report for your sales, and an end-of-day sales report along with other advanced reports to show you how your business is doing.

You can easily manage all transactions, sales, customer activities from one point in the backend. Your customers as well can perform.


Several studies have shown that it costs any business more money to get a new customer than getting revenue from your existing customer. It is also easier to get more sales from an existing customer who knows the services you offer than from a new customer. Use Magento loyalty programs to increase your sales and your customer base.

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