Is it worth updating Magento to the latest version?

Important Security Updates

There are more than 350k live web stores running on Magento. A huge mass of sensitive customer data is stored, such as emails, passwords, shipping and billing addresses, credit card details, etc. Those that are fond of other people’s money are struggling to find a gap in Magento’s security. They are running sophisticated systems to hack a wide range of eCommerce stores. Magento security is too expensive to ignore so it should be on the top of your list.

When developers of Magento detect a vulnerability or security breach in the system, they immediately create and launch a security patch. And in each version of the platform, there is a full scope of security improvements.

For example, the latest Magento Commerce and Magento Open Source 2.2.5 release has highly important security updates that allow close remote code execution, cross-site scripting, and cross-site request forgery issues along with performance enhancements, including substantial improvements to search indexing.

Also, you can scan your web store security permanently with Magento security scan tool, but it doesn’t detect injected code. Malware can use this hole in security for stealing credit card data. WatchDogs can handle with monitoring injected code.

Nothing is perfect, so even Magento has bugs 🙂  And the previous Magento version has some. But those issues were fixed in the latest one.

Performance and Maintenance Improvements

Magento 2.2.5 performance and maintenance improvements:

– Resolution of issues that customers were experiencing when upgrading to Magento 2.2.4 in deployments that span multiple websites.

– Enhancements to Magento Shipping including support for automated batch order processing that improves operational efficiency.

– Substantial improvements to indexing performance.

– Updates to Vertex, Amazon Pay, Dotmailer, and Klarna integrated solutions.

– Significant performance improvements to the core Magento code.

– Over 150 community-contributed fixes!

Please, check the full list of fixes in Magento Open Source 2.2.5. Release Notes. Maybe, you’ve faced one them and were struggling to fix it. A simple Magento version upgrade can solve the issue, save time, money, and forces.

So if you want your web store to maintain the highest level of security and performance, a Magento version upgrade is worth it.

Magento update can be challenging, especially for web stores with numerous customizations. But it’s a piece of cake for professional Magento developers team.

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