3 Tips to Speed Up Your Checkout Process

A faster line means more sales in the same period of time. Quick checkout process is very important, especially during peak seasons such as Black Friday or Christmas. Here are 3 tips for you to keep your line moving fast, your customers smiling, and sales flowing.

Have a fast Point of Sale system

This is the key to checking out customers quickly. If you are not satisfied with your POS, it’s time to set up a new POS that’s fast and easy to use. You and your staff should be able to quickly add items to cart, select payments and complete the orders. With ConnectPOS, all the information needed for sales is synchronized from your online store on Magento to POS, so you can start selling right away. It enables you to search or scan barcodes and add items quickly to cart, and process orders very quickly, even in Offline Mode.

If possible, opt for mobile Point of Sale (mPOS) so your cashiers can check out for customers anywhere in the store.

Accept credit cards and new forms of payment

Paying by cash is quite slow because both customers and cashiers have to spend some time figuring out the exact amount to give and take. Offer your customers to pay by credit cards – it’s safe and quicker at the same time. ConnectPOS is integrated with many payments, including PayPal Here, iZettle, Authorize.Net, Payment Express, Tyro, and Moneris.

Send digital receipts

When you have a long line of customers waiting, every second counts. Printing receipts is not only damaging to the environment but also takes up some precious time. Sending digital receipts have many advantages: (1) it saves time for both cashiers and customers, (2) digital receipts can be kept easily for a long time so the customers don’t have to worry about losing the receipts in case they need to refund or exchange purchased items, and (3) you have a great chance to collect customers’ email addresses for email marketing later. In short, consider adopting a POS that has the ability to email customers receipts if you haven’t got one.

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Above all, you need to train your staff carefully: they must know how to create orders quickly, search for information, accept all payment methods, send and print receipts, and perform refunds and exchanges. An intuitive and user-friendly POS will help them, but just make sure by giving them a quick test. If you need some tips in cashier training, you can read our post on Tips for Effective Cashier Training.

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