Van Nguyen

Top 5 Best Cloud-Based Point-Of-Sale Solutions

Top 5 Best Cloud-Based Point-Of-Sale Solutions

Cloud-based POS system is online or web-based software that all data, as well as transactions, are processed and monitored from a remote cloud service. Since cloud-based systems are operated online, retailers can spend less time and money on setting up as well as integrating them compared to installing on-premise solutions. Here is the list of …

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Create custom sales in POS

How To Create Custom Sales In POS?

The retail industry is experiencing an emerging trend among all retail businesses to personalize the shopping experience in stores. This phenomenon stems from the constantly increasing requirements of customers. According to Segment, about 90% of customers are more likely to choose stores that provide them personalized shopping experiences. As a result, many retail owners have …

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connectpos and shopify pos

POS Review: ConnectPOS Vs. Shopify POS

ConnectPOS and Shopify POS are the two powerful leading cloud-based POS systems in the market.  Both of them are very dedicated to creating a seamless customer experience but there are huge differences that strongly separate the two systems apart. Let’s find out which is the better one for your long-term retail development. Overview ConnectPOS  ConnectPOS …

POS Review: ConnectPOS Vs. Shopify POS Read More »

NetSuite POS integration

Top 3 NetSuite POS Integration For Retailers In 2021

Today’s retail market and customer requirements are changing constantly, which poses more challenges for retailers to grow their business and stay competitive. Omnichannel shopping experiences and advanced inventory management are major determinants that can make or break your business. At the same time, many helpful technology solutions are available to help retail stores deal with …

Top 3 NetSuite POS Integration For Retailers In 2021 Read More »