New Features

connectpos ai facial recognition

The hottest new feature – POS Facial Recognition

Doing business is not just about attracting new customers but also increasing the number of satisfied customers and building their loyalty. For the online store, it’s not hard to find the apps or tools that you can use to track the customer’s activities and based on those data to serve the customer when they return. …

The hottest new feature – POS Facial Recognition Read More »

The world’s first wireless POS customer monitor

The world’s first wireless POS customer monitor

Though already commonly used in brick-and-mortar stores, current dual screen/ dual monitor POS systems usually pose a lot of unexpected problems to retailers. They require too many connecting wires, have to be at a fixed place and difficult to move around. Especially, it costs retailers “a pretty penny” to buy specific hardware and scale up, …

The world’s first wireless POS customer monitor Read More »

Free try PWA and Customer Screen

Try our PWA Consumer App and Customer Screen, for free!

At ConnectPOS, our passion is to contribute to transforming the future retail, not only in our country but all over the world. With a belief that technology is leading the future of retail, ConnectPOS never stops in applying cutting-edge technology (PWA, Remote Procedure Call, AI, Facial Recognition,…) to create an optimized retail environment that benefits …

Try our PWA Consumer App and Customer Screen, for free! Read More »

ConnectPOS is faster and fully supports offline mode

ConnectPOS is now faster & fully supports POS offline mode

New Year 2019 is here and as a thank-you gift to all our devoted retailers, we are delighted to announce our latest product updates: ConnectPOS now can work faster and smoothly even in offline mode. 1. Increase the speed of the sales page ConnectPOS applies the latest technology of Google to change the sales page …

ConnectPOS is now faster & fully supports POS offline mode Read More »

magento pos

Here are the Hottest Features We Launch in Quarter 4 of 2018

With the aim of becoming the leading Magento POS for omnichannel retailers, we continuously research and develop new tools to help you run, manage and grow your business. In the final quarter of 2018, we are launching loads of cool features and to make sure you won’t miss anything, here’s a roundup. Multi-currencies This has …

Here are the Hottest Features We Launch in Quarter 4 of 2018 Read More »